Office of the Chief of Police
A message from Chief Jason Cutler...
On behalf of the men and women of the Haddonfield Police Department, I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website. I hope that you find the information to be helpful and informative. The Haddonfield Police Department operates on a daily basis under a strong police/community partnership philosophy. This partnership is paramount to providing top rated policing services.
The Haddonfield Police Department's mission is to consistently seek new ways to promote, preserve, and deliver a feeling of security, safety and quality service to our community. I encourage open communication between officers and citizens in order to build and sustain community partnerships and trust. We simply cannot provide top rated police services without you!
I hope that you will take the time to learn about your police department and the men and women who proudly serve in such a dedicated fashion. Our entire staff, both commissioned and civilian, possesses enormous talents and they accomplish amazing things on a daily basis. As Chief of Police, one of my top priorities for providing police services in Haddonfield focuses on our employees. I am charged to provide for their needs, so they can better provide for yours. I am honored to serve as the Borough's 13th Chief of Police, and privileged to represent the dedicated and professional employees of the Haddonfield Police Department.
I greatly appreciate your interest and support of Police Department. Please stay actively informed by liking us on Facebook. We value your opinion and welcome any comments, questions or concerns you may have.
Jason D. Cutler
Chief of Police