What Kind of Parking Do I Need?
Business District Parking
Parking within the business district is regulated with a combination of parking meters, parking kiosks, and limited permit programs. Parking regulations in the business district are enforced by two Parking Enforcement Officers. Metered parking is enforced Monday-Saturday from 9AM to 8PM. Parking permits for Employees in the Business District can be obtained through the Employee Parking Permit Program. Call (856) 429-4700 extension 250 with any questions.
Employee Parking Permit Program
The Employee Parking Permit Program applies only to municipal parking lots, not on-street parking. These permits are limited and available on a first come, first served basis to employees of Haddonfield businesses. Applications for these permits can be obtained at the Haddonfield Information Center for a cost of $40 per permit (limit 5 per company). Call (856) 429-4700 extension 250 with any questions.
Temporary Overnight Parking Permission
Borough Ordinance prohibits on-street parking from 1AM to 5AM. Temporary permission may be requested by submitting a temporary overnight parking form. This permission is granted for up to seven (7) individual days per month. For situations requiring more than seven (7) days, please refer to the Overnight Parking Permit information below or contact Police Administration Office at (856) 429-4700 extension 250 for additional information. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
Overnight Parking Permit
Borough Ordinance prohibits on street parking from 1AM to 5AM. Overnight Parking Permits are available to Haddonfield residents who present the need for on-street parking. Permit applications are evaluated before permits are issued. Complete the application through the Parking Portal. Contact the Haddonfield Police headquarters at (856) 429-4700 extension 250 for additional information. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
Handicapped Parking
Residents needing to apply for a temporary handicapped parking placard must complete the NJMVC application. Completed applications must be brought to the Haddonfield Police Department with a check in the amount of $4 payable to NJ MVC. NO OTHER FORM OF PAYMENT IS ACCEPTED. Approved applications will be issued a temporary parking permit valid for 6 months. Permits maybe be recertified one time for a period not to exceed 6 months.
NJ MVC Application for Temporary Placard
Apply for Disabled Veteran and Purple Heart Recipient Place Card
The Borough of Haddonfield supports both resident and visiting disabled and Purple Heart veterans. New Jersey law (N.J.S.A. 39:4-207.10) permits exemption from payment of municipal parking meter fees, for up to 24 hours, for disabled veterans and Purple Heart recipients under certain, specific circumstances:
The parked vehicle is owned by the disabled veteran or the Purple Heart recipient.
The disabled veteran or Purple Heart recipient is the driver or a passenger in that vehicle.
The vehicle displays a unique placard issued by the MVC.
To obtain either the DAV or Purple Heart parking placard, please follow the link below. Additionally, paper copies of SP-47 (Application for Disabled Veteran and Purple Heart Recipient Placard) are provided at Borough Hall.
NJ MVC | Disabled Veteran, Purple Heart Recipient Placards
2Pay A Parking Ticket
Pay Parking Ticket Online
You may file a "Plea by Mail" if can not or are unable to attend your court date to either plead guilty or innocent and contest the summons. Click link below, fill out the form and mail it to the court along with any documentary evidence in support of your plea.
Parking tickets can be paid in person or mailed (with payment) to the Runnemede Municipal Court located at:
24 N Black Horse Pike
Runnemede, NJ 08078
You can call (856) 939-5252 with any questions or concerns regarding parking or traffic violations.