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Haddonfield Helps is a program that enables residents to request assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Haddonfield Helps provides everyone in our Borough with the ability to request help for themselves or their neighbors as they face hardships such as food insecurity, mobility/accessibility challenges, and isolation. Simply answer a few questions, and our officers will work in conjunction with our Borough staff & volunteers, to connect you with the appropriate social service agency, volunteer organization, Borough staff member or other point of access.

Residents can access Haddonfield Helps via the following link:…/haddonfield_helps

or call the HPD non-emergency line at 856-429-3000 and reference that they are in need of help due to the pandemic.

* As always, in case of emergency, please dial 911.*

**Service organizations & individuals interested in learning more or volunteering as Haddonfield Helpers are asked to email me at:

#HaddonfieldHelps #HaddonfieldHelpers

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